Resources created by ADHD Asian Girl
9-Minute Body Scan and Loving Kindness Meditation
6-Minute Shaking & Releasing Meditation
ADHD and Mindfulness Meditation (a podcast episode where I am the guest sharing my tips on how to make meditation more ADHD-friendly)
Books & Videos:
ADHD, Clarified: Essential Strategies for Thriving with ADHD Webinar (w/ Dr. Hallowell and Ratey)
ADHD 30 Essential Ideas Youtube Playlist by Dr. Russell A Barkley
A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD: Embrace Neurodiversity, Live Boldly, and Break Through Barriers
Smart But Stuck: Emotions in Teens and Adults with ADHD
ADHD Asian Representation:
ADHD Asian Girl’s diagnosis journey on Youtube
Linda Yi’s Recipe for ADHD Success on Refocused
Linda Yi on Twitter and Instagram
Emily Chen and Life as a Neurodiversity Nerd on Refocused
Irene The Thought Spot on Youtube
ADHD Diversified with MJ Siemens
Two Addys and a Coffee, Please
ADHD Time Management | ADHD Nerds Podcast, Ep. 5 with Marie Ng
Managing Careers and Parenting with ADHD | ADHD Nerds Podcast, Ep. 11 with Monica Lim
Now Presenting: ADHD with Jaye Lin
Robin Zheng: Performance anxiety, academia & the pressure to succeed – Women & ADHD
Priyanka Patel: Medication myths & revamping the diagnostic process
Nelly Lin & Juno Lee: Destigmatizing ADHD and mental health – Women & ADHD
ADHD Resources in Mandarin 中文ADHD资料
确诊ADHD后的对谈: 即使从小很“听话”也可能是ADHD (我采访了另一位也是成人ADHD的她乡乡友,我们谈论了自己的确诊过程)
散心二意 (散心二意是小宇宙上第一档关于ADHD的中文播客,由两位ADHD女性主播狩江和枕侠的闲聊构成,不定期也会有其他女性嘉宾串门。我们会在节目里分享关于ADHD的知识和女性ADHD群体的人生故事。)
散心二意 Ep1 分心不是我的错 那些了解ADHD后才知道的事
Unlocking ADHD 什么是注意力缺陷多动障碍 (俗称: 多动症)?